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Maths in Town Squared: maths in the Factory

by Playlunch Games

About these maths activities

In these activities, children measure out liquid ingredients to make items that they can use in other parts of the game: fireworks, jelly rockets or suds bombs. The task mimics the real-world experience of using a measuring jug at home to create a great effect in the imaginary world of the town.


The Fireworks activity with a puzzle (recipe) in progress. The first two colours in the recipe have been added, and the recipe panel shows that these were measured accurately. The purple colour has been poured into the jug and is ready to be added to the rocket on the right.


When they enter an activity, children are invited to make products to help the town, and in return they will get to keep one of the products for themselves. 

Children start with a recipe that shows the names and amounts of the ingredients required. Next to the recipe is a workstation where children can find the right ingredient and pour it into a jug marked with lines and measurements. 

When the child thinks they have accurately measured an ingredient, they pour it into a nearby container. As ingredients are added the recipe card updates, giving feedback about whether the amount measured and colour chosen are accurate. Children can choose to discard their mix and try again at any point or they can keep working on the problem.

When they feel the product is ready, it can be tested by tapping a switch that sends it to the test area. The product is set off near a test dummy:  

  • If the ingredients have been measured accurately, it delights the test dummy, and the firework, jelly rocket, or suds bomb is either donated to the town or given to the child. 
  • If ingredients are missing or inaccurately measured, the product will misfire, and the dummy is on the receiving end of the disaster! Children are then given feedback about the way they approached measuring, and are encouraged to try again. This playful approach to an unsuccessful attempt helps reframe the outcome away from a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’, instead making it part of the ongoing problem solving and experimentation process.

A successfully completed recipe results in a firework that delights the test dummy.


There are three activities in the Factory, each with a different level of challenge.


This activity measures in whole numbers, simple fractions, percentages and equivalent units. Usually there is a label on the jug that matches the recipe. 

The fireworks made in the activity can be used on quests - let one off and it distracts sprites while you clean them.


A Factory Fireworks activity is part way through. Half a cup of pink - the first item on the recipe - is being added to the container.


Jelly rockets

This activity follows on from the fireworks activity, with more complex recipes. It includes translating between fractions, percentages, and millilitres and introduces the concept of conversion using a conversion table. Some recipe items are simple word problems, such as ‘twice as much green as purple’.

The jelly rockets made in the activity can be used in quests to slow sprites down - giving you a chance to clean them.


A Factory Jelly rockets activity is beginning. There are three items on the recipe - one of which is a word problem. There is a conversion chart under the recipe.


Suds bombs

This activity follows on from the jelly rockets activity, with conversions, word problems, and more complex translating between the recipe and the measuring jug. It also introduces estimation, with measurements that fall between the lines on the jug. 

The suds bombs made in the activity can be used on quests to instantly clean any sprite they hit. A useful asset when they’re coming after you!


A Factory Suds bombs activity is part way through. 0.6 litres of pink - the second item on the recipe - has been measured into the container. This recipe also contains a word problem.